Case Studies

Categories:Pre-Shipment Inspection
The Importance of Quality Control in Asian Industries
2024-07-27   HKQCC

Asia is a global hub of manufacturing that evolves continuously, so the importance of Asia's quality control cannot be overstated. Industries across Asia, from electronics and automobiles to textiles ...
Ensuring Product Safety in Plush Toys: A Critical Quality Intervention
2024-07-27   HKQCC

In this case, we dealt with a batch of 600,000 small plush toys, customized as promotional items for another client. These toys, designed in the shape of adorable dogs, featured a unique element&mdash...
Pre-shipment inspection: Hangtag Print Residue
2024-07-27   HKQCC

In this case, we discovered a noteworthy issue while examining pink-colored products during product inspection. The hangtags appeared to be adhered to the products, leaving behind black residues on th...
Pre-shipment inspection: A Tightening Resolution
2024-07-27   HKQCC

This product inspection case involved small desk lamps. During testing, the inspector unexpectedly discovered a critical issue: the lampshade and connecting rod could rotate easily. This raised concer...
Manufacturing Discrepancy in Pet Ladders
2024-07-27   HKQCC

In this case, we dealt with a quality inspection of pet ladders. This product is designed to be assembled from multiple components due to transportation requirements (photo 2). On that particular day,...