Case Studies

Categories:Inspection Service in China
Product inspection: An Enduring Date Mistake
2024-07-27   Admin

In this case, during a product inspection, the inspector identified a glaring issue while cross-referencing the information on the product's packaging. The production date printed on the box read May ...
Quality Control: A Lesson in Bamboo Fencing Inspection
2024-07-27   HKQCC

This case describes our experience in the reinspection of bamboo used for weaving fences.   In the previous inspection, the bamboo was heavily affected by pest damage and breakage, falling shor...
Product inspection: Unyielding Commitment to Testing Standards
2024-07-27   HKQCC

This case describes our experience during a hook inspection, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to testing standards.   The inspection was proceeding smoothly until we reached the function...